Candidate for the Parastronaut program

Carmen García Roger (Valencia 1975) has a degree in Mathematical Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid, specializing in Celestial Mechanical Astronomy and Geodesy. He accessed by opposition to the Higher Body of Systems and Technologies of the Social Security Administration, entering with the number 1 of opposition. He holds the Executive Master in Public Management from the IE Business School, and participated at Harvard University in the Creating Public Value. As can be seen, although his academic training is eminently technical, he has always felt a great inclination for Philosophy and Literature, both Spanish and English. She combines her activity as a writer with her professional activity, as an information technology and communication manager in the public sector. She works as Deputy Director in the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration, and is a specialist in innovation and digital transformation. She was selected among 23,500 applicants, by the European Space Agency, to train as a possible astronaut with a disability and fulfill one of her great dreams, to travel to space. He has published the book Strong, let the world know. How to live with chronic pain… And live happily! and his latest novel I wish, I forget. As a result of his books, he discovered his passion for writing.

SUTUS editions: 2022